

These publications are in the copyright of its authors. Any reproduction for comercial purposes of this publication may be done with the written permission of its authors and properly

A practical guide where is presented 8 traditional dances from Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania.

It can be of use to stakeholders and other external organisations or individuals as a source of inspiration and instructions for a prospective practical implementation.

Aplicațiile oferite gratuit de către #AsociatiaLECS sunt întocmite conform noilor cerințe din programă, respectând schimbările aduse în gramatica limbii române.

O culegere adresată elevilor, profesorilor si iubitorilor gramaticii.

Written in the Romanian language, this brochure reflects the needs to raise awareness among adults of the profound educational role of sport in all its forms, as a factor of balance, health, social integration, following the principles of inclusion, equity and sustainability.

This Photo Catalogue presents the most apreciated calligraphic works performed by the participants to the 3rd edition – 2019 – of the Romanian National Contest of Calligraphy.

The art pieces reflect the theme of: Biodiversity, the human – nature communion.

A practical guide where is presented 10 Traditional European Sports & Games from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Hungary.

It can be of use to stakeholders and other external organisations or individuals as a source of inspiration and instructions for a prospective practical implementation.