Education, Culture and Sport are equally-accessible values to each person.
Our Mission
Our association, "Freedom for Education, Culture and Sport" first appeared in March 2014, with the intention of helping any age group by offering access to education, culture and sports, through programs designed for personal development and also projects meant to help with improving/growing one's personal values.

What We Do
The main goal of this association is to promote high quality non-formal education through the initiation of cultural-educational, civic and of sports activities directed towards all age groups.
Our Team - Dedicated to Success

Partners and sponsors
What our sponsors do for our association
Being in solidarity with the objectives promoted by our association, our sponsors offer us the necessary funding or professional support we need in the implementation of cultural-educational and sports projects. Sponsors also help us promote our projects, expose our story and be part of the positive change we wish for in society.
What we do for our sponsors
We pay attention to each sponsor individually, identifying common solutions that bring value to their organisation through the partnership with our association. Also, for our constant sponsors, we offer recognition for their active involvement through an appearace of their organization on our website, at the same time thanking all the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the projects implemented through the aid granted.